



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) to be gentle.

Kāwatawata mārire te putanga mai o te hau (W 1971:110). / The breeze blows gently.

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2. (noun) yearning, longing, hankering.

Ka tae te kāwatawata aroha i a au ki taku tamaiti (W 1971:110). / The longing for my child overcame me.

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Synonyms: korotū, maingo, minamina, tōmina, kuatau, pūkōnohinohi, mina, mōhukihuki, manako, matenui, hihiri, koroingo

3. (noun) breeze.

I tētahi pō ka titiro ia ki te pō tū i waho i te Ōmanga e taruru ana, ki Te Ika-o-te-rangi me Ngā Pātari, ki te tae pukohu tataiore e taipua ana i ngā maunga. Ka kī ia “He marino tua-ukiuki āpōpō, he kāwatawata tātā moana te kōangiangi; ka haere au ki te moana.” (JPS 1911:17). / One night he looked at the clouds beyond the crayfish beds, resting close and compact, at the Milky Way and the Magellan Clouds, at the flakes of mist running together and settling in masses on the mountains. He said, “It will be settled and calm tomorrow, the wind will be a light sea-breeze ; I shall put to sea.”

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1. (verb) to incline with a gentle slope, slope gently.

Pānaki ake ana te ara ki te marae. / The path sloped gently down to the marae.

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1. (intransitive verb) breathe gently.


1. (verb) to be handsome, pleasant, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, amiable, nice, affable, genial.

He mata mā, he mahora te upoko, i hiamoemoe ngā kanohi, i tū-ā-roa te ihu, i pakonga ngā pāpāringa, i rahirahi ngā ngutu, ā, i hūmārire ngā mata i te tirohanga atu, he taitamariki hoki (TK 1/11/1843:44). / A fair face, broad head, sleepy eyes, the nose is somewhat long, hollow cheeks, thin lips and the eyes are pleasing to look at, and she's youthful.

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2. (modifier) handsome, pleasant, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, amiable, nice, affable, genial.

He iwi hūmārire te Māori, he makoha, he aroha ki te pai (TTT 1/8/1930:2118) / The Māori are amiable people, placid and love that which is good.

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Synonyms: hūmārika, rawe, ranginamu, purotu, tau, waiwaiā, koea, ātaahua, hūmārie, ātanga, pīwari, turua, , mārie, mārire, whakaaio, āio, rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamārie, whakamāria, whakamārire, ngehe, houkura, aumārire, matareka, rēhia, kakato, rekareka, hāneanea, ngohengohe, pai, manini, āhuareka, reka, āhumehume, pārekareka, harakoa, ngāwari

3. (noun) peacefulness, good nature, geniality, beauty, handsomeness, peace.

Ko te mea nui ki ēnā koroua, ko te hūmarire, ko te pai tētahi ki tētahi, ko te ngākau whakaiti, ko te aroha ki te tangata (EM 2002:19). / The main thing for those elderly men is peacefulness, being good to each other, humble and concern for people.

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Synonyms: rerehua, waiwaiā, ātaahua, hūmārie, tau, ātanga, whakamārietanga, marino, purotu, rongo, rangimārie, maungārongo, rongomau, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, aumārire, mārie, māriri


1. (verb) to be tranquil, undisturbed, gentle, compassionate, kindly, considerate, amiable, placid, kind-hearted.

He iwi hūmārire te Māori, he mākoha, he aroha ki te pai (TTT 1/8/1930:2118). / The Māori are amiable people, placid and love that which is good.

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Synonyms: māhaki, māhuruhuru, nguengue, kōratarata, aungāwari, rarata

2. (modifier) tranquil, undisturbed, gentle, compassionate, kindly, considerate.

He tangata ngākau mākoha ki te tangata: ahakoa Māori, Pākehā rānei (TP 4/1912:6). / He was a person who was kind to others, whether Māori or Pākehā.

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Synonyms: aroha, atawhai

3. (noun) soft slaty rock.


1. (particle) exactly, absolutely, unequivocally, positively, seriously, essentially, indubitably, for the most part, in the main, deliberately, intentionally, carefully, really, gently, quietly, silently, completely, thoroughly, well and truly, actually, in fact, quietly, peaceably, peacefully, just, merely, very - used following the word it relates to, to intensify qualities, including bad ones, or to follow āe. It can be used to show approval or disapproval.

Tō tere mārika! / Gee you're quick!
I takoto mārika ia ki te whatitoka o tōna whare (HP 1991:19). / She lay right by the doorway of her house.
Engari te tīma tāne nāku mārika i whiriwhiri (HP 1991:250). / But the men's team I selected myself.
Ehara mārika i a Mahuta ake aua kaupapa o 1894 me 1895 nei (TTR 1996:86). / The plans of 1894 and 1895 were not Mahuta's personal work.

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See also āe mārika

Synonyms: puku, mōhū, mārie, mārire, kōmuhu, māika, tahi, mōrukaruka, pohapoha, puru, piropiro, hāwerewere, ehara ehara, rukaruka, , anō, moruka, te mutunga (kē) mai (nei) o te ..., katoa, rawa, i neki, inā, rā anō, rā pea, rānō, tino, ata, kau, ake, tata, tika, tou, noa, noa iho, tōkeke, noa ake, tonu, ia, ia rā, heipū, , koia, koia, tinana, koa


1. (particle) exactly, absolutely, unequivocally, positively, seriously, essentially, indubitably, for the most part, in the main, deliberately, intentionally, carefully, really, gently, quietly, silently, completely, thoroughly, well and truly, actually, in fact, quietly, peaceably, peacefully, just, merely, very - a word to intensify and add emphasis, often translated by one of the above. Where mārire follows a verb in the passive it will take a passive ending also, usually -tia.

Te reka mārire o te merengi nei. / This melon is really sweet.
Ka kimikimi te Whare ki ngā tikanga e pā ana ki te taha Māori, he tika kia āta whakaarohia mariretia aua tikanga (TWMNT 13/2/1877:27). / The House is considering matters affecting Māori, and it is only right that those matters be considered very carefully.

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Synonyms: puku, mārika, mārie, mōhū, kōmuhu, māika, mōrukaruka, pohapoha, puru, piropiro, hāwerewere, rukaruka, ehara ehara, , anō, moruka, te mutunga (kē) mai (nei) o te ..., tahi, heipū, tōkeke, noa ake, tonu, ia, ia rā, noa iho, tinana, koa, katoa, rawa, i neki, inā, ata, rā anō, rā pea, rānō, tino, kau, noa, tou, tika, tata, ake, , koia, koia

2. (verb) to be peaceful, quiet, fortunate, appeased.

Ko te kōhuru mā te pāwera, mā te hae, mā te ohorere o te ngākau, mā te mamae, tēnā ko te tāhae whenua he mea āta whakaaro mārire, he mea āta rūnanga rawa he kōrero parau, ehara i te hara ohorere nā te ohonga o te ngākau, kāhorehore, engari he hara he mea āta waihanga mārire, i whakamahia e te tangata tōna hinengaro ki te āta whakatakoto, kāhore i mahia i runga i te pāweratanga o te ngākau, engari i te ngākau anō e mārire ana (TP 3/1909:2). / Murder is done because of passion, jealousy, impulsively, or because of pain, but stealing land is something that is carefully planned and thought out with deception, it's not an impetuous sin, no, but it is a sin that is carefully devised and planned, not done on the spur of the moment, but when one's emotions are calm.

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Synonyms: houkura, hūmārie, aumārire, , mārie, hūmārire, whakaaio, rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamārie, whakamāria, whakamārire, ngehe, āio, maho, māhaki, māika, nohopuku, tōngā, wahangū, nguengue, , rata, hūnguengue, hāngū, rarata

3. (noun) softness (of sound).

Ko te kahaoro te tīwerawera, te mārire rānei o te oro (RTP 2015:59). / The volume is the loudness or softness of the sound.

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1. (adjective) be gentle, easy.

He mārū te heke iho i runga mai o ngā maunga (W 1971:184). / Descending from on the mountains was easy.

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2. (modifier) low-pitched (in tone), low in tone.

Nā te mea he roa ake te kakau o te pōrutu i tō te kōauau ka taea te whakarangirua i tōna reo. Kotahi he reo mārū, ā, ki te kaha te pupuhi kua tīorooro tōna reo tuarua (Wh3 2003:168). / Because the stem of the pōrutu is longer than the kōauau it is able to be played with two voices. One is a low-pitched voice and if it is blown hard its second voice is high-pitched.

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3. (modifier) calm.

He rangi mārū (W 1971:184). / A calm day.

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1. (verb) to shake gently, wriggle, quiver.

Kātahi ka oioi haere atu i runga i taku puku kia eke atu ki runga o te rore (HP 1991:22). / Then I wriggled along on my stomach to get onto the lorry.

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Synonyms: kūreperepe, , kārohirohi, kapakapa, wanawana, wiriwiri, whakakakapa, ore, kakapa, māueue, māwewe, kereū, tāwariwari, tīkorikori, aroarohaki, arowhaki, arohaki, oreore, ārohirohi, ngāoraora, ngaue

2. (noun) jointed wire rush, jointed rush, Apodasmia similes - a bluish-green native rush with dark bands along the stem of the leaves. Grows along the edges of tidal rivers and lakes and on damp flats in sand dunes. Spreads by a creeping rhizome and grows up to 1 m tall. Found throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand. Previously known as Leptocarpus similis.

3. (noun) New Zealand fur seal, Arctocephalus forsteri - distinguished from the larger New Zealand sea lion by lacking obvious ears and being unable to stand on all fours when on land.

E Tame, ko te ingoa o te taniwha nā he kekeno, he oioi rānei, he taniwha tapu, kua turengia e te Kāwanatanga (TP 10/1906:5). / Tame, the name of that monster is a fur seal, a protected animal which has been legally protected by the government.

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See also kekeno

Synonyms: kekeno, mīmiha, ihupuku, kakerangi


1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to slap, spank, pat, clap, strike together, make a clapping noise, blow gently upon.

Kāore i ārikarika ngā pātaitai a taku māmā ki a au, me te papaki i aku taringa (HP 1991:23). / My mother asked me a lot of questions and slapped my ears.

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Synonyms: paki, taupaki, pokipoki, pōpō, hokomirimiri

2. (noun) smacking, spanking, smack, slap.

E whae mā, ki taku whakaaro kāhore rawa he painga o te papaki, o te rūrū rānei i te tamaiti paku (TP 7/1905:3). / Mothers, I think smacking or shaking a young child is of absolutely no benefit.

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3. (noun) clapping chant - game played by two players clapping in unison to a chant.

Ka whakakitea ngā mahi a Rau-kata-uri i reira, te waiata, te pūtōrino, te kōauau, te tōkere, te tī ringaringa, te tī rākau, te pākuru, te papaki, te porotiti: mutu katoa ēnei mea kāore hoki a Kae i kata (NM 1928:30). / The activities of Rau-kata-uri were displayed there, singing, the long flute, the short flute, the castanets, hand games, stick games, playing the mouth resonator, hand clapping and the humming disc: when all these things ended Kae still hadn't laughed.

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1. (verb) to be sloping gently.

E pīnaki atu ana te whenua ki te awa. / The land is sloping gently to the river.

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2. (noun) pointed paddle-shaped implement - to loosen soil for cultivation, earthworks, etc.

Anō nei te rite o te ketu ki te hoe iti; ko tāna he whakapāpako i te oneone. Ko ētahi atu ingoa ko te pīnaki me te wauwau (Te Ara 2016). / The ketu is like a small paddle, used for loosening the soil. Other names are the pīnaki and the wauwau.

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Synonyms: wauwau, ketu


1. (noun) gentle slope.

Nā i te kēti o te puna wai, i te ritenga mai anō ō rātou, ka haere atu rātou i ngā kaupae o te pā o Rāwiri, i te pīnakitanga o te taiepa i runga i te whare o Rāwiri, tae noa ki te kēti wai ki te rāwhiti (PT Nehemia 12:37). / And at the fountain gate, which was over against them, they went up by the stairs of the city of David, at the going up of the wall, above the house of David, even unto the water gate eastward.

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2. (noun) higher level.

Whāia a tua atu o te reo kai parāoa noa iho nei, kei noho noa iho hoki ki ōna pīnakitanga tē eke kē ai ki te akitu ka taea (TTTT 2006:13). / Strive to achieve that which is beyond ordinary language or the language will not improve and reach excellence.

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1. (verb) (-hia) to blow gently.

Nā te hau koe e mai nei ki taku kiri? (NM 1928:12). / Are you from the wind that blows on my skin?

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2. (noun) pipe, tube, flute - used as a prefix for some wind instruments, e.g. pūkaea, pūtātara, pūtōrino.

Wiria he puare ki te hei wenewene (RTP 2015:76). / Bore holes in the flute as finger holes.

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Synonyms: kōrere wai, paipa, kōrere, momi

3. (noun) gun, musket, firearm.

I te pakanga o Te Kakara, i kō tata mai i te roto o Taharoa, ko Te Pēhi tētahi o ngā rangatira tokowhā o Ngāti Toa, he tāna (TTR 1990:246). / At the battle of Te Kakara, near Lake Taharoa, Te Pehi was one of four Ngāti Toa chiefs armed with a musket.
He manuao ririki rawa iho ēnei, he torutoru ōna , he tere, ko tana tino rākau patu he tōpiro (TP 11/1899:3). / These are much smaller warships, with few guns, are faster and their main weapons are torpedoes.

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Synonyms: ngutu pārera, purukumu, pū okaoka, pū hoata, pū ngutu pārera

4. (noun) duct.

He kei roto i te tinana hei kawe i ngā momo wē, pērā i te roimata, te waiate me te toto (RP 2009:329). / In the body, ducts carry different types of liquid, such as tears, bile and blood (RP 2009:329).

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1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to squeeze, press, seize, grasp, gently rub.

Kaua e romia te kakau o te rākau haupōro, me ngāwari noa te pupuri (PK 2008:784). / Don't squeeze the handle of the golf club, it should be held gently.

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Synonyms: kuene, nonoi, whakakuene, perehi, kāuto, ao pāpāho, hopu, rawhirawhi, rawhi, kōhaki, herepū, hopuhopu, kōwhakiwhaki, rarahu, rarawhi, aurara

2. (verb) (-a) to strangle, throttle, garrotte.

Nō te tuatoru ka romia e Te Pōhutu, ka mate te wahine muringa rā (M 2005:304). / On the third time she was strangled by Te Pōhutu, and so the junior wife died.

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3. (verb) (-a,-tia) to carry out infanticide.

Ka whānau mai he tamāroa, ka whakaorangia pea tērā e ngā mātua, kia ora ai he tangata hāpai patu; ka whānau mai he kōtiro, ka romia (TMT 1/10/1861:7-8). / When a first son is born that one is probably allowed to live by the parents so that he would be a person to carry a weapon; but when a girl is born, she's is killed by suffocation.

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4. (verb) (-a) to plunder, rob.

Nā te kōti whenua ka puhake ngā kino katoa—: te kōrero parau, te tāhae, te hae, te whakamauāhara, te whanokē, te aroha-kore, te ngākau apo. Ahakoa mōhiotia te tika o te tangata ki te whenua ka romia, ka patua (TTT 1/8/1925:278). / Because of the land court all the evils became apparent: telling lies, stealing, envy, hatred, erratic behaviour, lack of compassion and greed. Despite the rights of people to land they were robbed and defeated.

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Synonyms: hone, pārure, whakarekereke, marure, mūrei, muru, pāhua, pāhuahua, kōhunu, keiā, whānako, whēnako, tāhae, kaiā, hunuhunu

5. (verb) (-a) to engulf, overwhelm, swamp, suck into.

I romia ia e te āwhiowhio (Ng 1993:462). / He was sucked into the whirlpool.

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Synonyms: taupoki, roromi, pāpā, whakatina, huri, āpuru, haukerekere, pūrau


1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to press firmly with the hands, squeeze, rub gently, massage.

Kāore i hapa tā Te Whitu, tuku ana te wahine i a rātou kia romiromitia, kia mātakitakitia e te hātana, ā, kia takakinotia i te nui o tō rātou whakapono ki ngā mahi tohunga (TP 10/1904:2). / Nothing that Te Whitu had said was missed, the women allowed themselves to be massaged and gazed at by the heathen and to be abused because of their belief in the witchcraft.

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Synonyms: miri, mirimiri, kōmuru, kōmuri, kōmiri, whakamāeneene


1. (verb) (-tia) to calm, pacify, appease, propitiate, placate.

Kei te pakeke haere te mahi whakamārie i ngā rangatira kāhore i uru ki te whawhai i te wā e tūpehupehu haere ana a Tītokowaru. / The task of appeasing the leaders who did not enter into the war at the time that Tītokowaru was being belligerent is progressing.

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See also whakamāria, whakamārire

Synonyms: whakaturi, whakawhere, whakawherewhere, whakamāria, whakamārire, whakaepaepa, whakangehe, whakarata, whakaratarata, whakarangimārie, whakamahuru, whakamāriri, whakamāhaki

2. (modifier) peaceful, calm, quiet, gentle, appeasing, placatory.

Ka whakahaerea te wāhi tuatahi o te karakia nehu tūpāpaku me ētahi kupu whakamārie ki ngā tamariki mokopuna me te iwi nui o te tūpāpaku (TKO 15/1/1916:3). / The first part of the burial service was conducted with some placatory words to the children, grandchildren and all the deceased tribal group.

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Synonyms: whakamauru, rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamāria, whakamārire, ngehe, āio, houkura, hūmārie, aumārire, , mārie, mārire, hūmārire, whakaaio, maho, māhaki, māika, nohopuku, tōngā, wahangū, nguengue, , rata, hūnguengue, hāngū, rarata

3. (noun) calmness, tranquility, appeasement, atonement.

Kei te mōhio ia ki te Atua o te whakamārie hei whakamārie i tōna ngākau (TP 1/1907:7). / He knows the God of peace to appease his heart

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1. (verb) to be gentle, amiable, nice, affable, genial, pleasant, courteous.

Nā ana whakaakoranga a ia i ako kia mārehe, kia matatau, kia hūmārika (TTR 2000:60). / Because of his education he learnt to be meticulous, competent and courteous.

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2. (modifier) gentle, amiable, nice, affable, genial, pleasant, courteous.

He kaumātua ngohengohe, hūmārika, kaingākau ki ngā akonga i raro i a ia (TKO 30/10/1920:8). / He was an agreeable elder, amiable and fond of the pupils under him.

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Synonyms: rawe, hūmārie, ranginamu, hūmārire, rēhia, kakato, rekareka, hāneanea, ngohengohe, pai, manini, āhuareka, ātaahua, reka, āhumehume, pārekareka, harakoa, ngāwari, purotu, matareka

3. (noun) forbearance, patience, tolerance, restraint, mildness, placidness.

Ki tōna nei whakaaro, i tua atu i te mahi whai i te mātauranga, ko te mahi ake anō mā ngā kura he whakahauhau i ngā tikanga o te māhaki, o te whakakatakata, o te manaaki, o te hūmārika, o te āwhina, o te whakawhirinaki me te ngākau pono hoki (TTR 2000:24). / In his opinion, in addition to fostering scholarship, the primary task of schools was to encourage humility, humour, kindness, forbearance, helpfulness, trust and loyalty.

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Synonyms: manawa, mānawanawa, manawanuitanga, tamawahine, paraire, whakatōngā


1. (verb) to breathe gently.

E ānene ana te pēpi (PK 2008:19). / The baby is breathing gently.

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1. (verb) (-tia) to handle gently, be diplomatic, tactful.

Me whakahangahanga ngā taonga kopī nei. / These fragile treasures should be handled gently.

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2. (verb) (-a,-ia) to make, build.

I te tau 1927 he mema tūāpapa ia nō te peka o te Rōpū Taitamariki Māori o Te Tai Hauāuru, ā, he mea whakatū anō hoki a ia ki te Kaunihera o Whanganui i te tau 1936, he tūranga i mau tonu i a ia tae noa ki te wā i whakahangahanga ake anō i taua kaunihera i te tau 1945 (TTR 2000:156). / He was a foundation member of the West Coast branch of the Young Māori Party in 1927, and in 1936 was appointed to the Whanganui Māori Council, a position he held until it was reconstituted in 1945.

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Synonyms: mea, hangahanga, waihanga, whaihanga, mahi, hanga, āhua

3. (noun) diplomacy.

Kitea ana te mana me te manawanui o Hēnare i ana kōrerotanga ki a Eva Rickard, te wahine whakakorikori nei me ana kaitautāwhi i Waitangi i te tau 1984, me te tino whakahangahanga o tana whakahaere i te whakaingoatanga i Te Ara-o-Hinehopu, ki te ingoa kē o Te Ara-o-Hongi i Te Rotoiti i te tau 1988 (TTR 2000:72). / Henare’s mana and patience were seen in his talks with activist Eva Rickard and her supporters at Waitangi in 1984, and by his diplomacy over the renaming of Hongi’s Track at Rotoiti from Te Ara-o-Hongi to Te Ara-o-Hinehopu in 1988.

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