1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to squeeze, press, seize, grasp, gently rub.
Kaua e romia te kakau o te rākau haupōro, me ngāwari noa te pupuri (PK 2008:784). / Don't squeeze the handle of the golf club, it should be held gently.
Synonyms: kuene, nonoi, whakakuene, perehi, kāuto, ao pāpāho, hopu, rawhirawhi, rawhi, kōhaki, herepū, hopuhopu, kōwhakiwhaki, rarahu, rarawhi, aurara
2. (verb) (-a) to strangle, throttle, garrotte.
Nō te tuatoru ka romia e Te Pōhutu, ka mate te wahine muringa rā (M 2005:304). / On the third time she was strangled by Te Pōhutu, and so the junior wife died.
3. (verb) (-a,-tia) to carry out infanticide.
Ka whānau mai he tamāroa, ka whakaorangia pea tērā e ngā mātua, kia ora ai he tangata hāpai patu; ka whānau mai he kōtiro, ka romia (TMT 1/10/1861:7-8). / When a first son is born that one is probably allowed to live by the parents so that he would be a person to carry a weapon; but when a girl is born, she's is killed by suffocation.
4. (verb) (-a) to plunder, rob.
Nā te kōti whenua ka puhake ngā kino katoa: te kōrero parau, te tāhae, te hae, te whakamauāhara, te whanokē, te aroha-kore, te ngākau apo. Ahakoa mōhiotia te tika o te tangata ki te whenua ka romia, ka patua (TTT 1/8/1925:278). / Because of the land court all the evils became apparent: telling lies, stealing, envy, hatred, erratic behaviour, lack of compassion and greed. Despite the rights of people to land they were robbed and defeated.
Synonyms: hone, pārure, whakarekereke, marure, mūrei, muru, pāhua, pāhuahua, kōhunu, keiā, whānako, whēnako, tāhae, kaiā, hunuhunu