2. (verb) (-a,-tia) to strangle, suffocate, carry out infanticide.
Ka whānau mai he tamāroa ka whakaorangia pea tērā e ngā mātua kia ora ai he tangata hāpai patu; ka whānau mai he kōtiro, ka roromi (TH 1/7/1859:1). / When a first son is born that one is probably allowed to live by the parents so that he would be a person to carry a weapon; but when a girl is born, they kill her by suffocation.
3. (verb) (-a) to crush, overwhelm, squash.
4. (noun) infanticide.
Ko te roromi pōtiki he mea noa i reira, kīia ana hoki, he mea kei raruraru i ngā tamariki ina huakina mai e te taua (MM.TKM 31/5/1859:6). / Infanticide is common there and they say it's done lest they should be encumbered with children if attacked by a war party.