1. (verb) (-ngia,-tia) to steal, cheat, rob, embezzle.
2. (modifier) stealing, thieving, dishonest, fraudulent.
Ka haere mai a Puru-aute ki te mahi tāhae i ngā kai o aua whenua (JPS 1912:83). / Puru-aute came to carry out the task of stealing the food of those lands.
3. (noun) thief, cheat, robber, crook, theft, dispossession.
I te kāinga o Māhanga a Hotu-nui e noho ana, ka whakapaea ia he tāhae (NIT 1995:105). / While Hotu-nui was living at Māhanga's home he was accused of being a thief.
Synonyms: keiā, pāhua, whānako, māhurehure, kaiā
4. (noun) young fellow, bloke, chap.
I pania e te kōhine tana kakī ki te hinu taramea me kore ngā tāhae pūrotu e kōingo mai ki a ia (PK 2008:114). / The girl applied taramea scent to her neck in the hope that the handsome fellows would desire her.
5. (noun) excrement, filth.
Ka hangā hoki e ia te heketua hei whakareinga mō ngā tāhae (NM 1928:27). / He also built the lavatory to dispose of the excrement.