2. (modifier) gentle, soft.
Kātahi ka poia e te tohunga ki runga, ka whāngaia ki ngā hau māriri (W 1971:182). / Then it was tossed up and was fed with the gentle breezes.
3. (noun) peace, tranquillity, calm, serenity.
Kei tua mai o te tau 1868 ka tīmata te māriri o te whenua (TTT 1/2/1928:726). / After 1868 peace over the land began.
Synonyms: mahurutanga, marino, maungārongo, rongomau, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, hūmārie, aumārire, mārie, hūmārire, rongo, rangimārie