1. (verb) to be prosperous, peaceful, undisturbed, intact.
Ka hoki whakamuri te mahara ki ngā rā e houkura ana te mana tangata (TTT 1/12/1929:1935). / The memory goes back to the days when people's mana was intact.
Synonyms: taurikura, tōnui, rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamārie, whakamārire, ngehe, āio, hūmārie, aumārire, tō, mārie, mārire, hūmārire, whakaaio, whakamāria
2. (modifier) affluent, prosperous, peaceful, undisturbed, intact.
I Te Waipounamu he whānau houkura a Tirikātene mā (TTR 1998:218). / In the South Island Tirikātene and his relations were an affluent family.
3. (noun) affluence, prosperity, peace.
Ko Te Rangihaeata me tōna iwi i momotu ki tawhiti, arā, ki te houkura o Poroutāwhao ki roto o Horowhenua (Te Ara 2016). / Te Rangihaeata and his people moved away to the peace of Poroutāwhao in Horowhenua.
Synonyms: taurikura, tōnui, tōnuitanga, whakaaio, āio, houhanga a rongo, hūmārie, aumārire, mārie, māriri, hūmārire, rongo, rangimārie, maungārongo, rongomau, waikanaetanga