1. (verb) to be handsome, pleasant, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, amiable, nice, affable, genial, easy-going, unassuming, mild-mannered.
He tangata ngāwari, he hūmārie, he mateoha, he atawhai tangata, he tangata whakapono (TP 1/6/1902:9). / He was a gentle, pleasant, loving person, who showed kindness to people, a person who believed.
Synonyms: hūmārika, ranginamu, rawe, waiwaiā, ātaahua, hūmārire, ātanga, pīwari, turua, purotu, tau, koea, whakamārie, whakamārire, ngehe, āio, houkura, aumārire, tō, mārie, mārire, whakaaio, rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamāria, matareka, rēhia, kakato, rekareka, hāneanea, ngohengohe, pai, manini, āhuareka, reka, āhumehume, pārekareka, harakoa, ngāwari
2. (modifier) handsome, pleasant, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, amiable, nice, affable, genial, easy-going, unassuming, mild-mannered.
E kī pēnei ana ngā kōrero mōna, arā, he tangata ngākau tapatahi, he tangata tino kokoi te hinengaro, ā, he tangata hūmārie, aroha ki te tangata (TTR 1990:387). / The accounts about him were that he was a man of integrity, a person of exceptional intelligence, and a warm, generous person.
3. (noun) peacefulness, good nature, geniality, beauty, handsomeness, peace.
Nā te rongopai i mutu ai ngā pakanga toto nui i waenganui i ngā iwi, i ngā hapū Māori; i mutu ai te kaitangata; i noho ai i runga i te hūmārie (TTT 1/9/1925:289). / Because of the gospel wars of bloodshed between tribes and Māori subtribes ended; cannibalism ended; so that people lived in peace.
Synonyms: marino, whakamārietanga, hūmārire, tau, rerehua, waiwaiā, purotu, ātaahua, ātanga, māriri, rongo, rangimārie, maungārongo, rongomau, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, aumārire, mārie