2. (location) the ancient times, of old.
Ko te wairua e tino mau tonu ana engari ko te tataotanga, ko te whārahitanga o te whakaaro kāore i rite ki ngā titonga o ukiuki (Kāretu 2010:12). / The spirit is still retained but the depth and breadth of thought is not like the compositions of old.
3. (modifier) lasting, continuous, undisturbed, peaceful.
I roto i ngā tau ukiuki e toru i muri mai kāre anō ngā whakaritenga a te Karauna ki te hoko i te whenua i anga whakamua (TTR 1994:177). / In the three peaceful years that followed, the Crown's negotiations to buy the land had not progressed.
Synonyms: whakaaio, tō, mārie, mārire, hūmārire, rangimārie, whakamārie, whakamāria, whakamārire, ngehe, āio, houkura, hūmārie, aumārire, taketake, whakauka, mau, karioi