1. (verb) to harden.
Ko te tahepuia: Ko te tokarewa ka puta i tētahi puia ki te mata o te whenua (ka rere noa, ka hū ake rānei). Ka mātao, ka whakauka, ā, ka noho mai hei toka puia (RP 2009:379). / Lava: Molten rock (magma) that flows out or erupts onto the surface of the earth, cooling and hardening to become volcanic rock (RP 2009:379).
2. (verb) to be lasting, sustained, preserve, conserve, enduring.
I te wā anō o te whakahekenga ka riro i a ia te whakahaere i tētahi kaupapa hei tiaki awa, ā, i konā tere tonu te huri atu ki te whakauka i te awa o Ōroua, whai mahi ana hoki ngā tāne Māori (TTR 1998:32). / In the depression he also supervised a river protection project, which provided employment for Māori men and facilitated urgent conservation work along the Ōroua River (DNZB 1998:149).
Synonyms: mau, ukiuki, tohu, rongoā, whakatote, rokiroki, whakapounamu, tohutohu, karioi, rarawe, taketake
3. (modifier) preservation, conservation.
Pērā anō i tana tāua te hou atu nei o Wharetutu Stirling ki roto i ngā mahi whakauka, whai ake nei hoki i ngā mahi tonu a te Pouhere Taonga (TTR 2000:202). / Like her grandmother, Wharetutu Stirling became involved in conservation work, and the work of New Zealand Historic Places Trust.
4. (noun) preservation, conservation, sustainability.
Mā te whakauka o ngā tikanga me te reo Māori e ora ai te iwi. / Through the preservation of Māori customs and the language the people will thrive.