1. (verb) (-a,-ngia,-tia) to instruct, advise, save the life of, spare, preserve, conserve, show, point at, point out, guide, direct.
Nā Māhutonga i tohutohu mai ō koutou tūpuna, me te nui hoki o tō rātou māia, kia whakawhiti ora mai rātou i Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, ki tēnei whenua (TP 7/1911:10). / It was the Southern Cross that guided our ancestors and with their bravery they were able to cross the Pacific Ocean safely to this country.
Synonyms: tohu, tuhi, rarawe, whakaatu, tūtohu, rongoā, whakauka, whakatote, rokiroki, whakapounamu, tūtohi, whakahahaki, whakaatuatu, arataki, hura, mataraharaha, whakaariari, tiata, whakaaturanga, whakaari, whakakite, tītohu
2. (verb) (-a) to indicate.
4. (noun) direction, advice, instruction, recommendation.
I ngā wā katoa e pā atu ana ōna ringa ki te tūroro, me horoi ōna ringa ki te wai nei i muri iho. Kauaka tēnei tohutohu e takahia (TRA 1/3/1929:950). / At all times when one's hands touch the patient one must wash one's hands with water afterwards. Do not flout this instruction.
Synonyms: kupu tohutohu, taunaki, marohi, tūtohunga, kupu whakatau