1. (verb) (-tia) to bottle (fruit, etc.), preserve.
Riro ana nāna i tīmata atu te Rōpū mō ngā Wāhine Māori ki Manukau, he ako nei tā rātau i ngā mahi tara ā-whare, arā, te tuitui kaka, te mahi kāri, te kōhua tiamu, te mahi pīkara tae atu hoki ki te whakapounamu hua rākau (TTR 1998:227). / She began the Māori Women's Institute in Manukau, teaching domestic tasks such as sewing, gardening, and jam, pickle and preserve making.
Synonyms: tohu, rongoā, whakauka, whakatote, rokiroki, tohutohu, rarawe