1. (verb) (-tia) to treat, apply medicines.
Nō te taenga ki taua moutere ka atawhaitia e ngā mihinare, ka rongoātia, ka whāngaia ki ngā kai papai, ā kāhore i roa kua ora (TWMNT 18/6/1823:66). / When they arrived at that island they were looked after by the missionaries, treated and fed with healthy food, and it wasn't long before they were well.
2. (verb) (-tia) to preserve.
I rongoatia tōna tinana e ōna tāngata; i panipania katoatia ki te tote, muri iho tekau mā rua ngā rangi e whakamaroketia ana ki te rā (TWMNT 16/6/1874:148). / His followers preserved his body, smearing it all with salt, and then it was dried in the sun for twelve days.
Synonyms: whakauka, whakatote, rokiroki, tohu, tohutohu, rarawe, whakapounamu
3. (noun) remedy, medicine, drug, cure, medication, treatment, solution (to a problem), tonic.
(Te Māhuri Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 2;)
I whakaatu anō ia i te āhua o te taipō pīwa, te pūtake mai me te rongoā (TP 5/1901:11). / He gave instruction on the nature of typhoid fever, the origin and the cure.
Synonyms: whakaora