1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to show, display, expose to view, present, act.
Nā Rangi minita rāua ko Tiatitene minita i whakaari taua take, āminetia ana e te iwi (TP 7/1910:7). / Both the Rev. Rangi and the Rev. Chatterton presented the matter and it was approved by the people.
Synonyms: tāpae, perehana, tuku, whiu, tohu, tiata, whakaatu, whakaariari, whakaaturanga, whakaatuatu, whakakite, tohutohu, tītohu, hura, mataraharaha, kōparepare, hākari, tuari, koha, onāianei, whakawhiwhi, whakahiku
2. (verb) (-a) to nominate, propose.
I whakaaria e Ārama Karaka, i tautokona e Kīngi Wiremu Tāreha (RT 2013:105). / Nominated by Ārama Clark, seconded by Kīngi Wiremu Tāreha.
3. (noun) drama, play, acting.
Mutu ana te whakaari, rāpoi ana ngā kaiwhakaari katoa ki te atamira kia mihia, kia pakipakitia (PK 2008:747). / When the play ended all the actors gathered on the stage to be thanked and applauded.