1. (verb) (-a) to award, present, give, endow, supply, bestow, confer, grant - unlike whiwhi, this can take a passive ending and is a verb that can take a direct object.
Kua whakawhiwhi te Whare Wānanga i ngā ākonga ki ā rātou tohu mātauranga. / The University has awarded the students their degrees.
I whakawhiwhia ia ki te tohu DSO. / He was awarded the DSO.
He nui noa atu ngā rōpā o Rūhia i ngā tau e rua tekau ka pahemo ake nei, engari, nā te pāpā o tēnei Epara i wewete katoa, ā, whakawhiwhia iho e ia ki te whenua, mā tēnei, mā tēnei (KO 15/6/1882:1). / There were an immense number of serfs in Russia in the past twenty years, but this Emperor's father set them all free and he gave land to each of them.
Synonyms: koha, onāianei, whakaari, whakahiku, kōparepare, perehana, tuku, whiu, tāpae, hākari, tuari
2. (modifier) providing, awarding, bestowing, conferring, granting, presenting, giving.
Patu tohorā: He mahi nui tēnei i ērā rā, ā he mahi whakawhiwhi i te tangata ki te moni (TTT 1/11/1930:2181). / Whaling: This was a major occupation in those days and a job where a person could earn money.
Synonyms: whakarato, homaitanga, hoatutanga
3. (noun) providing, awarding, bestowing, conferring, granting, presenting, giving.
I whakaponotia, arā, i hāngai te whakawhiwhi mai a te Atua i ana whakakitenga ki a Te Mātenga, ā, he mea hoatu māna e kawe te taha wairua ki te iwi Māori (TTR 1996:193). / It was believed that Te Mātenga received direct revelation from God and was given the task of a spiritual mission to the Māori people.