1. (verb) to move, wriggle, play.
Kīhai i takitaro kua rongo ia e kori ana te poti, ā kua tāweka te taura ki te hiku (TP 1/10/1902:11). / It wasn't long before he felt the boat moving and the rope had become wrapped around the tail.
Synonyms: tākarokaro, whakaari, hīanga, perei, tākaro, purei, paheke, panuku, whakakorikori, mū, konikoni, hūnuku, tīkape, onioni, oreore, kareu, whakangāueue, rangaranga, takataka, neneke, ngatē, ngeungeu, oraora, pakuku, pīoraora, heke, kaneke, ki hori, hiki, nuku, ngatete, tākiri, koni, korikori, neke
2. (verb) to move into action.
Kua eke te punga, kua mau ki ngā hoe, kua kori katoa, kua korero i tō rātou reo (TP 1/1911:5). / When the anchor was aboard, they took hold of their oars and they all moved into action and spoke their language.
3. (noun) movement.
Ko te kanikani te neke me te kori a te tinana, me te ū anō ki te manawataki o te puoro (i te nuinga o te wā) (RMR 2017). / Dance is the movement of the body usually in time with music (RMR 2017).
Synonyms: whakaoreore, hikohiko, whakanekeneke, korikori, nekehanga, whakatakataka, nukunuku
4. (stative) active person, vibrant person, energetic person, live wire.
E 300, e 400 rānei te nui o te iwi o tēnei takiwā, ā, katoa rātau he kori, he pukumahi (TTR 1994:3). / The size of this community was 300 or 400 people and they were all energetic industrious people.