1. (noun) moving, shifting, relocating, movement.
E rua rawa ngā nekehanga o tēnei whare (TTR 1990:377). / This house has been moved twice.
Synonyms: pānekeneke, hikohiko, kori, whakanekeneke, korikori, whakatakataka, whakaoreore, nukunuku, panuku, wana, whakaaroha, whakaneke, whakaaroharoha
2. (noun) translation (maths).
Ko te nekehanga tētahi o ngā panoni matua. I tēnei panoni, he ōrite te kōneke i ia pūwāhi o te mātāoroko, kāore he huringa. Ko te ahunga me te tawhiti o te kōneke hei whakaahua i te nekehanga (TRP 2010:180). / Translation is one of the main transformations. Each point of an object slides without turning. The slide is described with a direction and distance (TRP 2010:180).