1. (verb) (-ina) to be heart-rending, moving, sad, pitiful, poignant.
Whakaaroha ana tēnei wāhanga o te hui (HM 1/1990:5). / This part of the meeting was quite moving.
Synonyms: panuku, wana, whakaneke, nekehanga, whakaaroharoha, whakanekeneke, whakakiwakiwa, taukuri, ruku popoi, tiwhatiwha, manatu, kiwa, kiwakiwa, pōkē, whakahiatangi, whakapōuri, matapōuri, āroharoha, pōuri
2. (verb) to sadden, make sad.
Synonyms: whakapāhi
3. (modifier) sad.
He waiata whakaaroha tēnei, kei ngā wāhi katoa e waiatatia ana (M 2006:100). / This is a sad song and is sung everywhere.
4. (noun) mercy, pity, compassion.
Ka tetērongo a Hine-i-tūrama, ka kī, kāore he whakaaroha anō ēnei kōrero hua o te utu i te kanohi ki te kanohi (TTR 1990:13). / Hine-i-turama refused to listen, saying that there was no mercy in such face to face talk of revenge.
Synonyms: aroha