1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to remember, bear in mind, keep in mind, heed.
Me manatu ki ngā kupu a te koroua, kei hē tā tātou mahi (PK 2008:391). / Take heed of the elder's instructions, in case we do our work incorrectly.
Synonyms: maumahara, whakamaumahara, mahara, whakamahara
2. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to take away.
Ko te kōwhatu tuatahi o tēnei hanga, o te pounamu, nā Ngahue i manatu i a rāua ko Kupe i haere mai ai, ka mahia hei patu (W 1971:173). / The first rock of this thing, greenstone, was taken away by Ngahue when he and Kupe came here, and it was made into a weapon.
3. (verb) to be homesick, anxious, sad.
Manatu noa nei, whakaaroaro, māharahara noa nei (M 2006:124). / In a state of anxiety, in a pensive mood and apprehensive.
Synonyms: kiwa, kiwakiwa, pōkē, whakahiatangi, whakapōuri, matapōuri, āroharoha, pōuri, whakakiwakiwa, taukuri, ruku popoi, tiwhatiwha, whakaaroha
4. (noun) reminder, memorandum, remembrance.
I tēnei wā, 11 ngā pokapū Kāwanatanga kua haina i te Manatu Whakaaetanga hei tohu i ā rātou tautoko i te kaupapa mō ngā tau e toru (RT 2013:39). / At this time, 11 Government agencies have signed the Memorandum of Agreement to indicate their support for the project for three years.
Synonyms: whakamahara, whakamaumahara, pukapuka