ruku popoi
1. (stative) to be sad, melancholy, despondent.
Kua waiho mai e koe ō takahanga me āu mahi hei ramaroa mā te iwi, ahakoa kei te noho upoko kore i tēnei wā, hei ramaroa mā te iwi kia kore ai rātau e kotiti, ka mutu, hei whakahau i a rātau i roto i ngā wā e kore ana he ngoi, i ngā wā e mate ana te hau, i ngā wā e pōuri ana te ngākau e ruku popoi ana (Wh4 2004:88). / Although we remain leaderless at this time, you are a beacon for the tribe so that they don't go astray and also as an encouragement for them in the times that they have no energy, are exhausted and when they are sad and despondent.
Synonyms: kaimōhū, whakaingoingo, matapōuri, āroharoha, rāwakiwaki, whakapōuri, pōuri, whakakiwakiwa, taukuri, tiwhatiwha, manatu, whakaaroha, kiwa, kiwakiwa, pōkē, whakahiatangi