1. (verb) to be sad, rousing compassion.
He āroharoha nō te iwi Māori i ēnei rā kua kore rawa e pērā rawa te tū mārō me te whakahēhē i ngā hapa o tētahi kē (Rewi 2005:337). / It's sad for the Māori people today that they can no longer stand firm and criticise the mistakes of others.
Synonyms: pōuri, whakakiwakiwa, taukuri, ruku popoi, tiwhatiwha, manatu, whakaaroha, kiwa, kiwakiwa, pōkē, whakahiatangi, whakapōuri, matapōuri
2. (modifier) sad, melancholy.
Papaki ana te pepe i ōna parihau kia tere tae ai a ia ki te wāhi o taua tangi āroharoha (TWK 41:28). / The moth flaps its wings so that it arrives swiftly at the source of that melancholy sound.
Synonyms: kaimōhū, ruku popoi, whakaingoingo, matapōuri, rāwakiwaki, whakapōuri
3. (noun) compassion, sympathy.
I kuraina mai ia i te kura o ngā none o te āroharoha i Hiruhārama (TTR 2000:173). / She was educated at the school of the Sisters of Compassion at Jerusalem.