1. (verb) to be sad, depressed, saddened, disheartened, demoralised.
Koia nei tā mātou e āwangawanga nei, koia nei anō hoki tā mātou e whakakiwakiwa nei kia nui te tautokona mai o tēnei tūāpapa whakapūioio reo e te hunga kei te tonoa kia whai wāhi mai, e ngā kura anō hoki ā tōna wā (HM 3/1993:6). / This is what we are concerned about and this is what depresses us, that there should be an abundance of support for this strong language foundation by the people who are applying to take part, as well as, in due course, by the schools.
Synonyms: pōuri, taukuri, ruku popoi, tiwhatiwha, manatu, whakaaroha, kiwa, kiwakiwa, pōkē, whakahiatangi, whakapōuri, matapōuri, āroharoha