1. (verb) to be sad, gloomy, depressed, dejected.
E matapōuri ana ahau ki ā koutou tini whakamoemiti mō Tā Hōri Kerei rāua ko Tā Tānara Mākarini, me ngā kōrero whakahē mō aua kaumātua tokorua (TW 22/6/1876:237). / I am saddened that along with your many praises of Sir George Grey and Sir Donald McLean are the criticisms of those two elders.
Synonyms: whakahiatangi, whakapōuri, āroharoha, pōuri, whakakiwakiwa, taukuri, ruku popoi, tiwhatiwha, manatu, whakaaroha, kiwa, kiwakiwa, pōkē
2. (modifier) gloomy, sad, melancholy.
E kore au e mōhio ki ngā whakaaro o ētahi atu tāngata i tēnei rā, i tēnei rā, i roto i ngā mea kua kōrerotia nei; ko au ia, taimaha rukiruki au, tē taea te kaupēhi aku whakaaro matapōuri (TKM.MM 13/3/1862:30). / I do not know what other people think of these daily experiences which have been discussed, but I found them extremely depressing and I was not able to suppress my gloomy thoughts.
Synonyms: kaimōhū, ruku popoi, whakaingoingo, āroharoha, rāwakiwaki, whakapōuri
3. (noun) sadness, despondency, dejection, melancholy, sorrow.
Ka mate nei au i te matapōuri, i te matapōrehu o roto i ahau (MM.TKM 30/11/1860:39). / Within me I am overcome by gloom and sadness.
Synonyms: mōteatea, pōuri, tiwhatiwha, auwhi, matarehu, matapōrehu, hinapōuri, pōuritanga, auhi, whakapōuri
4. (noun) New Zealand scaup, Aythya novaeseelandiae - a small blackish diving duck with a rounded 'rubber ducky' profile and a blue-grey bill, living in freshwater lakes.
I tapaina te ingoa o te pāpango mō ōna huruhuru pango; whai anō tērā o ōna ingoa, ko matapōuri (Te Ara 2012). / The scaup was named for its dark plumage – as was another of its names, matapōuri (dark face).
See also pāpango
Synonyms: matamatapōuri, matapo, raipo, tītīpōrangi, pōkeke, pāpango, kaiharopia