1. (modifier) in sadness, in sorrow, depressed.
I Tīhema o 1866, ka tuhi anō a ia ki a Te Herewini, ka kī atu, ākuanei a ia ka mate, nō te mea, i tango paitini a ia, i a ia e noho matapōrehu ana i te matenga o tana wahine (TTR 1990:42). / In December 1866 he wrote to Selwyn stating that soon he would die because while he was in a state of depression after the death of his wife he had taken poison.
2. (noun) sadness, sorrow, depression.
Ka mate nei au i te matapōuri, i te matapōrehu o roto i ahau (MM.TKM 30/11/1860:39). / Within me I am overcome by gloom and sadness.
Synonyms: pōuri, tiwhatiwha, auwhi, matarehu, hinapōuri, pōuritanga, auhi, whakapōuri, mōteatea, matapōuri
3. (noun) mistiness, obscurity, vagueness, abstruseness.
I roto i te pōuri, kāore a au i kite i te matapōrehu o ōna whatu (Ng 1993:282). / In the dark, I could not see the mistiness of her eyes.