1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to cause to move, transfer.
Kia ngaro tō koutou tipuna ki te hōpara nui a Papatūānuku, hei reira whakanekeneke mai ai i ō kōrua tāina me te iwi ki tēnei taha o Te Wairoa whakanoho haere mai ai (JPS 1919:87). / When your ancestor disappears into the great belly of Papatūānuku then at that time move your younger brothers and the tribe to this side of Te Wairoa to live.
2. (modifier) moving, progressing, driving.
Atu i te tau 1928 ki te tau 1945 i runga ia i te Kaunihera o Rongokako, te rōpū whakanekeneke i ngā kaupapa Māori o Te Wairarapa me te tonga o Te Matau-a-Māui (TTR 1998:210). / From 1928 until 1945 he served on the Rongokako Council, the group progressing Māori affairs in Wairarapa and southern Hawke's Bay.
Synonyms: whakaaroharoha, panuku, wana, whakaaroha, whakaneke, nekehanga
3. (noun) movement, transfer, strategy, moving.
Ka hui te Pīhopa o Waiapu rāua ko te Pīhopa o Aotearoa, ā, whakaritea ana ko ngā whakanekeneke mō tēnei wā ko ēnei e mau ake nei: Ko Rev. Wharetini Rangi ka nuku atu i te Pāriha o Waipawa ki Ruātoki (TTT 1/12/1930:2200). / The Bishops of Waiapu and Aotearoa met and organised the transfers for this time as follows: Rev. Wharetini Rangi will move from the Parish of Waipawa to Ruātoki.
Synonyms: whakaoreore, nukunuku, hikohiko, kori, korikori, nekehanga, whakatakataka