i neki
1. did she, did he, did they, is that right, really, is that a fact, no way - an exclamation of amazement or surprise. Sometimes also used to indicate disbelief or to question the truth of something.
Tio: Kua panaia a Piripi i tana mahi. Hera: I neki? He tangata pukumahi hoki ia. / Joe: Phillip has been sacked from his job. Sarah: Really? And he's such a hard worker.
Synonyms: e hawa (e hawa), weta, tōu ene, auare ake, e, he aha hoki, kē, koia, koia, tinana, koa, katoa, rawa, inā, tonu, ata, rā anō, rā pea, rānō, mārie, mārika, mārire, ia rā, tino