1. (particle) right to, as far as, since long ago - used with time expressions and emphasises the extent of the time interval involved. A variation of rā anō.
E ai ki te kōrero, mai rānō i te taenga mai o te waka o Mātaatua ki Aotearoa, kātahi anō ētahi o ngā iwi o Mātaatua ka hui ngātahi (TTR 2000:232). / This was said to be the first time that the various Mātaatua peoples had met together since the original arrival of the Mātaatua canoe in New Zealand.
2. (particle) right from, all the way, finally, actually, really, even - used for emphasis or as an intensifier. A variation of rā anō.
He maha ngā tāngata kua mate, engari e kore e mōhiotia wawetia tō rātou kaute, kia oti rānō te huke te paru (TP 9/1911:8). / Many people have died, but it won't be known immediately how many, not until clearing the mud has finally been completed.
Synonyms: mai rā anō, mai rānō, katoa, rawa, i neki, inā, tonu, ata, kē, rā pea, mārie, mārika, mārire, ia rā, tino, rā anō, koia, koia, tinana, koa