ia rā
1. (particle) then, indeed, in fact, really, actually, undoubtedly, just - words to add emphasis, including to questions and commands. Sometimes written as one word, i.e. iara.
Kia tauta i te 'Waka' kei tītaha, kei tahuri; kei kīia he hau nō uta, he hau riporipo kāore iara nō te moana anō i tahuri ai (TWMNT 15/3/1879:340). / Ballast the 'Waka' (newspaper), lest it lose its equilibrium and capsize; lest it be said it was overset by a wind from the land (i.e. by Māori), whereas, in fact, it was overturned by a wind from the ocean (i.e. by Pākehā).
He aha ia rā te hua o te horoi i ngā matapihi? E rua rangi ake nei, kua mōnenehu anō i te rehutai (HJ 2015:106). / Just what is the point of cleaning the windows? In just a couple of days they'll be blurred again from the spray.
Synonyms: kau, ake, tata, tika, tou, noa, noa iho, tōkeke, noa ake, tonu, ia, heipū, mārie, mārika, mārire, kē, koia, koia, tinana, koa, katoa, rawa, i neki, inā, ata, rā anō, rā pea, rānō, tino