noa iho
1. only, just, merely, quite, that and no more, that and nothing better, completely, totally - often has the sense of treating the things or activities it modifies as being of little importance. The iho following noa can also intensify the free from limitations meanings of noa.
I titiro noa iho mai ia ki a au. / She just looked at me.
Pūrikiriki noa iho te maihi o taua whare (White 2 1889:73). / The bargeboard of that house was completely shattered.
Synonyms: anake, anahe, nahe, tika, tou, noa, tōkeke, noa ake, tonu, ia, ia rā, heipū, mārie, mārika, mārire, kau, ake, tata, koia, rawa, āhua, anō, tino, kere, āta, hangehange, hengahenga, kāhua, (ko) tōna ... (nei)