2. (noun) body, trunk (of a tree), the main part of anything.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 87-88;)
Kia āhua roa e pāwerawera ana, ka whakamaroke te tinana o te tūroro ki tētahi tāora, ā ka kuhu ai he kahu maroke (TTT 1/9/1928:846). / When the patient has been hot for quite a long time, dry the body with a towel and then put on dry clothes.
See also ā-tinana
3. (noun) torso.
Ki te mea i tata te io ki te tinana, arā i runga rawa ake o te turi, he whanaunga e haere mai ana (White 2 1889:5). / If the twinge is near the torso, that is, it is way above the knee, that is a sign that relatives are coming.
4. (noun) self, person, reality - as opposed to an apparition.
E kore au e whai kupu atu ki a koe mō tētahi o ō kupu i pā mai ki taku tinana ko te take he āhua kino, ka hahani, ka amuamu te ritenga o tērā kupu (TPH 15/1/1900:1). / I will not make a response to you about one of your statements about myself because the implication of that assertion is somewhat rude, disparaging and begrudging.
Synonyms: anō, whaiaro, kōiwi, kōhī, kiri, tuakiri, tangata, tuatangata, tawhiti