



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) skin, bark, rind.

Ka pakaru ngā kākahu, ka tuia he kākahu mō rātou ki te kiri kekeno, he iwi toroa ngā ngira (TWM 20/2/1868:5). / When their clothes were ragged they sewed garments of seal skins and the needles were of albatross bone.

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Synonyms: tapeha, hiako, peha

2. (noun) person, self - a figurative use.

E muri ahiahi takoto ki te moenga, ko taku kiri māngi te tirohia mai nā (M 2004:196). / With the fall of eventide I lay me down to sleep, it is my distressful state you do now gaze upon (M 2004:197).

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Synonyms: anō, tinana, tuakiri, tangata, tuatangata, tawhiti, whaiaro, kōiwi, kōhī

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