he aha hoki
1. no way! not a chance! says who! not on your nelly! that will be the day! doubt it! it was not! whatever! yeah right! hell no! - an idiom used to disagree with another's comment, sometimes with an element of scorn.
(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 181;)
Māu tā tātou rēwena e pokepoke, nē? He aha hoki! Kāore aku take mō taua mahi. / You'll knead our rēwena bread, won't you? No way! I'm useless at that job.
Pare: I toa anō rātou i te pō rā? Rangi: He aha hoki! Me pēhea hoki e toa ai mehemea arā kē ngā turi o te nuinga, kei muri i ngā taringa! (HKK 1999:61). / Pare: Did they actually win last night? Rangi: No way! How could they possibly win when they are so old!
Synonyms: tēnā pōhēhē tēnā, auare ake, auare, nōwhea, nōhea, e hawa (e hawa), weta, i neki, tōu ene, e