1. (verb) to be pacified, placid, docile.
Ko te iwi o tēnei moutere kua rarata (TP 8/1910:3). / The people of this island are docile.
Synonyms: māhaki, māhuruhuru, mākoha, nguengue, kōratarata, aungāwari
2. (verb) to be tame, quiet - plural form of rata.
Ki tā rātou kī, kua rarata ngā kau puihi, me ngā poaka puihi (TWM 21/1/1865:3). / According to what they say, the wild cows and wild pigs have been tamed.
Synonyms: maho, rangimārie, māhaki, māika, nohopuku, tōngā, wahangū, nguengue, whakamārie, whakamāria, whakamārire, hū, rata, hūnguengue, hāngū, mārire
3. (adjective) be familiar with, friendly.
He rarata nōna ki a Hakipia, koia i harakoa ai a Wiremu Pārete ki te pānuinui pitopito kōrero mai i ngā mahi whakaari, me te whakatūnga anō hoki i ngā wāhi pai ki a ia (TTR 2000:17). / Because he was keen on Shakespeare, Bill Barrett enjoyed reciting passages that he liked from plays and acting parts.
4. (modifier) tame, docile.
Ko Te Karini o Nēpia nei e pīrangi ana ki tētahi kākā rarata nui hei mōkaikai mā ana tamariki (TWM 20/1/1870:1). / Mr Grindle of Napier wants a very docile kākā as a pet for his children.
5. (noun) docility.
Ko ētahi e aua manu ka nui te rarata (TPH 30/12/1900:5). / Some of those birds are very docile.