1. (noun) ambergris - a strong-smelling waxlike secretion of the intestine of the sperm whale sometimes found floating in the sea or washed up on the shore. Used in the perfume industry.
He pānuitanga tēnei kia kawea mai e ngā tāngata whai mīmiha tohorā, ka utua i runga i te utu nui rawa e Hēmi A. Hararete (KO 17/3/1887:11). / This is a notice that invites people who have ambergris to bring it in and they will be paid handsomely by James A. Haslett.
2. (noun) New Zealand fur seal, Arctocephalus forsteri - distinguished from the larger New Zealand sea lion by lacking obvious ears and being unable to stand on all fours when on land.
I haere atu te mīmiha ki uta ki te kimi kai hei oranga mōna, ka kī te puku, ka moe (TPH 28/10/1905:1). / A New Zealand fur seal went ashore to look for food to sustain itself, and when its stomach was full it slept.
See also kekeno