1. (verb) (-hia,-ia) to shake, quiver.
Ki te rū te whenua, ka tuwhera ngā poka hōhonu, ka whakahoroa ngā maunga, ka hūrorirori ngā whare (TTT 1/7/1929:1029). / If there's an earthquake, deep holes open up, mountains are caused to collapse, and houses sway about.
Synonyms: haurui, pioi, tāwiri, rui, pīoioi, whīoioi, ngatari, rure, rurerure, ue, ueue, aroarowhaki, kōrurerure, ngarue, ngāruerue, ngateri, ngāueue, wiri, whakahīoi, whakaoioi, whakawiri, tīoi, whakaruerue, pīoraora, oraora, whakangāteriteri, ngatē, ngaeke, hīoioi, tīoioi, rūrū, whakapoi, whakangāueue, ārohirohi, oioi, kārohirohi, kapakapa, wanawana, wiriwiri, whakakakapa, ore, kakapa, māueue, māwewe, kereū, tāwariwari, tīkorikori, aroarohaki, arowhaki, arohaki, oreore, kūreperepe, ngāoraora, ngaue
2. (verb) (-hia,-ia) to scatter, sow.
I runga i te retinga ki ngā Pākehā, me mātua whakapai e aua Pākehā te whenua, arā me turaki ngā rākau, ka tahu ki te ahi, ka rū ki te karaihe, ko tōna tikanga whakapai tēnā (TJ 23/2/1899:2). / With regard to leasing to the Pākehā, they should first improve the land, that is they should clear the trees, burn them and sow with grass; that's what improve means.
Synonyms: whakapirara, whakatakataka, whakamarara, kaupāpari, heuheu, rui, rara, paratī, hora, whakakorakora, whakaehu, rauroha, rure, kaihora, toha, tohatoha, korara, maheu
3. (noun) earthquake.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 74, 94-96; Te Māhuri Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 1;)
I te 8 o ngā rā o Tīhema nei, ka ngaoko te whenua o Whanganui nei i te rū, ā, i pakaru ko ngā kōrere wai mai ki te tāone, i kino katoa (TJ 4/1/1898:6). / On the 8th December the land here at Whanganui shook from the earthquake and the water pipes to the town were badly damaged.