1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to shake, brandish.
Kātahi ka whakatika a Hatupatu, ka pioi i ana kirikiri upoko (NM 1928:88). / Then Hatupatu rose up brandishing his baskets of heads.
Synonyms: ngatari, rū, rure, rurerure, ue, ueue, aroarowhaki, kōrurerure, ngarue, ngāruerue, ngateri, ngāueue, wiriwiri, wiri, whakahīoi, whakaoioi, whakawiri, whīoioi, ore, māueue, māwewe, kereū, pīoioi, rui, tāwiri, haurui, oreore, whakangāueue, whakapoi, rūrū, tīoioi, hīoioi, ngaeke, ngāoraora, ngatē, whakangāteriteri, ngaue, oraora, pīoraora, whakaruerue, tīoi
2. (verb) to sway, wave, move to and fro.
Ka oho ake i te moe i te ata, ka puta ki waho ka titiro atu ki tana māra putiputi, kua whakangaro te oneone, kua takoto mai ki mua o te kanohi he moana putiputi, e pioi ana, e tungou ana i te hau, e whakaatu ana i te ātaahuatanga o ngā ata maha o ōna puāwai (TPH 29/11/1902:2). / He wakes in the morning, emerges outside and looks at his flower garden, where the soil is unseen and lying before his face is a sea of flowers swaying and nodding in the wind, displaying the beauty of the many shapes of his blooms.
Synonyms: koiri, kaurori, ngarue, ngāruerue, piupiu, takaoreore, kōpiupiu
3. (noun) song sung while brandishing heads or scalps.
Ko taua upoko i tōna ringa, ko Karika. Ka whakahua i tana pioi (NM 1928:88). / The head in his hand was Karika. Then he performed his head brandishing song sung.