1. (verb) to vibrate, shake, shudder.
Ngateri ana te whenua i te tangi a te pū nui o runga kaipuke, o uta hoki (TWM 27/5/1869:1). / The land vibrated with the sound of the big guns on the ships and on the shore.
Synonyms: hāwiniwini, oi, wiriwiri, wiri, whakahīoi, whakaoioi, whakawiri, whīoioi, ore, māueue, māwewe, kereū, pīoioi, rui, tāwiri, pioi, haurui, oreore, whakangāueue, whakapoi, rūrū, tīoioi, hīoioi, ngatari, ngāoraora, ngatē, whakangāteriteri, ngaue, oraora, pīoraora, whakaruerue, tīoi, ngaeke, rū, rure, rurerure, ue, ueue, aroarowhaki, kōrurerure, ngarue, ngāruerue, ngāueue
2. (noun) vibration, shaking.
Ko ētahi i kitea i runga i te tuanui whare e pupuri ana, me te ngateri noa te whare i te kaha o te ia o te wai (TWMNT 14/7/1874:176). / Some were seen clinging to the roofs, and the houses shook from the force of the current of water.
Synonyms: korū, wheoi, oinga, aroarowhaki, ngāueue, wiriwiri, kōrūrū, ngatari, whakangāueue