1. (verb) (-tia) to shake, brandish, wave about.
E whai ana i te hoariri me te whīoioi i ā rātou rākau (PK 2008:1176). / They were pursuing the enemy and brandishing their weapons.
Synonyms: ngatari, rū, rure, rurerure, ue, ueue, aroarowhaki, kōrurerure, ngarue, ngāruerue, ngateri, ngāueue, wiriwiri, wiri, whakahīoi, whakaoioi, whakawiri, ore, māueue, māwewe, kereū, pīoioi, rui, tāwiri, pioi, haurui, oreore, whakangāueue, whakapoi, rūrū, tīoioi, hīoioi, ngaeke, ngāoraora, ngatē, whakangāteriteri, ngaue, oraora, pīoraora, whakaruerue, tīoi