1. (verb) (-a,-na) to place with the concave surface down, pat, cover over, swamp, overrun, spread over.
2. (noun) baited rat trap.
Ka whakatakotoria ngā tāwhiti me ngā pokipoki ki ngā ara kiore i te wao (Te Ara 2016). / Unbaited traps and baited traps were set on the rat tracks in the forest.
3. (noun) fingering (of a wind instrument).
Ko te pokipoki te mahi a ngā matimati ki te kōpani, ki te whakapuare anō i ngā wenewene o tētahi taonga puoro (RTP 2015:76). / Fingering is the work of the fingers to cover and open the holes in a wind instrument (RTP 2015:76).