1. (noun) anything to guide the passage of liquids, gutter, funnel, pipe, spouting.
I pakaru ko ngā kōrere wai mai ki te tāone (TJ 4/1/1898:6). / The water pipes to the town were broken.
See also kōrere wai
Synonyms: kōrere wai, paipa, pū, momi
2. (noun) tap, faucet, valve.
Kua mutu noa atu te tikitiki wai i te awa, i te puna rānei, heoi anō ko te huri i te kōrere, ka rere te wai mātao, te wai wera (TTT 1/2/1930:1975). / Fetching water from the stream or spring ended long ago, all you have to do is turn the tap and cold and hot water flows.
3. (noun) diarrhoea.
Mō te mate kōrere, mō te mate toto whakatahe, he koromiko, he ngaio, he māhoe, he aruhe (TP 3/1905:11). / For diarrhoea and menstruation, treatment is koromiko, ngaio, whiteywood and fernroot.