1. (particle) exactly, precisely - an intensifier which follows the word it modifies.
(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 181;)
Ahakoa kāore i matatau rawa ia ki te kōrero Māori ā-kīwaha, i tua atu i te reo ā-tuhi, i kaha pū tonu a Pat ki te whakaū i te reo ā-waha, me ngā tikanga Māori anō hoki (TTR 2000:81). / Although she was not very fluent in colloquial Māori, Pat placed strong emphasis on the spoken as well as the written language and on cultural practices.
Synonyms: koia pū
2. (particle) precise, very, exact - when following a noun.
3. (particle) completely, absolutely, very.
He hoa taupiri, he hoa pono pū a Toka nōku (HJ 2015:96). / Toka is an intimate and very close friend of mine.
Synonyms: tahi, mōrukaruka, mārire, pohapoha, puru, piropiro, hāwerewere, rukaruka, mārie, ehara ehara, anō, moruka, te mutunga (kē) mai (nei) o te ..., mārika
5. (noun) origin, source, cause, root, base, foundation, letter (alphabet), centre, core, hub.