1. (verb) to bear fruit, originate, be abundant, accrue.
Ehara i te mea ko te takaro te hē, engari ko te whakaputa kē i te takaro hei huarahi e peau kē ai te tangata ki te mahi hē, ina hoki he maha ngā hē e hua ana i te kanikani (TP 2/1907:2). / It's not as if the recreational activity is the problem, but the emergence from the activity of an avenue whereby a person can be diverted into wicked deeds because there are many transgressions resulting from dancing.
Synonyms: putu, whakapūranga, tipu, pūtake, take, tupu, pū, mahamaha, maha, ngahoro, makuru, ngerongero, humi, hāwere, rarawe, rari, pukahu, nui, hira, ranea, huhua, ngāhorohoro
2. (verb) to flower, bloom, blossom.
Ka hua te rātā, ka tītaha a Matariki ki te uru, ka tae ki te ngahuru, kua poki te rua kūmara, arā, kua tae katoa te kūmara ki te rua (White 4 1889:115). / When the rātā flowers and the Pleiades set in the west, autumn has arrived and the kūmara storage pit is covered over, that is the kūmara crop is all in the storage pit.
3. (verb) to be full (of the moon).
Ā te 4 o ngā rā kōwhiti ai te marama. Ā te 19 o ngā rā hua ai te marama (TMT 1/10/1861:16). / On the 4th day the new moon appears. On the 19th day is the full moon.
4. (noun) product, fruit, berry, roe, egg, progeny, value, finding, result, outcome, asset.
I ētahi tau he tino kaha kē te hua o ngā piki nei, ā, he tino reka hoki mō te kai. I ētahi rā, i te haere kē mātau, hoki rawa mai kua pau ngā hua te kai i te mahi a te tamariki (HP 1991:13). / In some years these fig trees fruited prolifically and they were very tasty to eat. Some days, when we went elsewhere, when we returned the fruit had all been eaten by the many children.
Synonyms: otinga, anaterope, whakataunga, putanga, tukunga iho, keakea, tātea, uri, aitanga
5. (noun) benefit, gain, asset.
Ahakoa te whakahāweatanga o te tangata ki te haere a Hirini Taiwhanga ki Ingarangi, he hua nunui kua puta mai i tana haere (KO 15/1/1883:6). / Despite people's intolerance towards Hirini Taiwhanga's journey to England, many benefits resulted from his trip.