1. (noun) vine of any climbing plant, long and thin roots, fibrous roots.
Hei te rima kua toro te akaaka o ngā mea o te whenua; hei te ono kua kaha te tipu o ngā mea katoa (M 2004:70). / On the fifth month the roots of the plants on the land stretch forth; on the sixth all growth is vigorous.
2. (noun) nerve.
He whakapopo i ngā niho, he whakahauā i te korokoro me te atewharowharo, me ngā whanewhane katoa o te kōpū; he whakakeretā i ngā roro me ngā akaaka katoa o te tinana (TKM.MM 20/8/1862:21). / It rots the teeth, damages the throat and lungs, and all the organs of the abdomen, and destroys the brain and all the nerves of the body.
3. (noun) state of turmoil, upheaval.
I te wā o tōna whanaketanga tae atu ki ngā tau tōmua o tana pakeketanga e pokea ana tōna iwi e te akaaka (TTR 1996:237). / At the time when he was growing up until the years before he became an adult his people were living in turmoil.