2. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to twist strands by rolling them on the thigh.
Nā taku kuia au i whakaako ki te miri i te muka o te harakeke (RTA 2014:120). / It was my grandmother who taught me to twist the flax fibre on my thigh.
3. (modifier) massage.
I mua i tēnei he takahinga ture te whakahaere whare kairau; hunaia ai ēnei tūmomo whare ki raro i te kārangaranga whare miri tinana (Te Ara 2016). / Prior to this, brothels operated outside the law; these types of houses were hidden under the euphemism of massage parlours.
Synonyms: mirimiri, kōmuru, romiromi, kōmuri, kōmiri, whakamāeneene
4. (modifier) shelling (maize).
Ko ngā mīhini miri kānga mā te tangata anō e huri (TTT 1/10/1930:2158). / The machines for shelling maize were turned by hand.
5. (noun) twisting (flax fibre).
Te miri o Rukutia. Te miri o te harakeke, arā o te muka hei whenu hei aho rānei mō te whatu kākahu. Kei ngā kōrero onamata a te Māori ko Rukutia nāna i tīmata te whatu o te kākahu (M 2004:292). / The caress of Rukutia. The twisting of flax, that is the flax fibre, into warp strands or cross-threads for weaving garments. According to the early narratives of the Māori, Rukutia was the originator of the art of the weaving of garments.