1. (verb) (-ia,-tia) to rub, chafe, rasp, abraid.
E whakapurua ana ngā pito o ngā kōiwi ki te wheua ngohe, kia kore ai ngā pona e hikahika (RP 2009:326). / The ends of the bones are padded with cartilage so that the joints do not rub.
Synonyms: okoi, weku, ngakeke, kuoro, kauhoro, kōmekemeke, kōmiri, ūkui, ūkuikui, hūkui, kāuto, aumiri, miri, waku, wakuwaku, mirimiri, muku, mukumuku, muru, kōmuri, kōmeke
2. (noun) line of descent.
E ora tonu ana i te rā nei ngā uri o te hikahika a Māhanga (TTR 1994:41). / The line of direct descendants of Māhanga continues today.