



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) drawing pin.

2. (noun) (furniture) hook.


1. A passive ending and the one most commonly used with words of more than two vowels, including borrowed words. It is also used for passive agreement for tonu, rawa, kau, noa, , katoa and bases acting as a modifier following a verb in the passive.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 65-67, 84-85; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 91-92;)

Kua kainga katoatia te rāpeti e te kāhu. / The harrier hawk has eaten the whole rabbit.

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1. (verb) (-ina,-na,-a) to stick in, drive in (pegs, etc.), adorn (with a feather, etc.), take a vigorous stroke (in paddling).

Kātahi te tamāhine ka tahuri ki te tātai i a ia, nā ka heru i a ia, nā ka rākei i a ia ki ōna kaitaka, ka tia hoki i tōna māhunga ki te raukura - —ko ngā raukura he huia, he kōtuku, he toroa, ka oti (NM 1928:198). / Then the daughter set about adorning herself, placing a comb in her hair, dressing herself in fine kaitaka cloaks, and placing feather plumes in her hair - feather plumes of huia, white heron and albatross feathers, and then she was finished.

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2. (noun) peg, stake, pin.

Poua ana ngā tia i te one, herea ana te waka e rātou, ā ka mau (W 1971:414). / When the stakes were driven into the sand, they tied up the canoe and it held.

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Synonyms: tāpine, pine, taratiti, titi, koropā, poupou, tīrau, tahatiti, mātiti


1. (loan) (verb) (-ina) to steer, steering.

He tino tangata tika atu ēnei kia noho tahi i roto i te whare whakahaere tikanga, hei tia i te waka o te iwi Māori i ēnei tai tūātea kia whiti atu ki tētahi taunga marino (TP 3/1909:11). / These are the best people to stay together in the house to organise procedures to steer the canoe of the Māori people in these foamy seas so that we cross to a calm anchorage.

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1. (loan) (noun) deer - a general term for all species of deer.

I reira anō hoki te poaka puihi, te tia, te pikopiko me te kōmata (TTR 2000:206). / There there were also wild pig, deer, fern fronds and the tender shoots of the cabbage tree.

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1. (loan) (noun) jar.

Ko te kahanga o taua rū i Whanganui nei ahu atu ki Kaiherau puta atu ki Aramoho, i horo ngā tumere, i pakaru ngā taonga, pureiti nei, pātara nei, tiā nei (TJ 4/1/1898:6). / The force of the earthquake in Whanganui, out to Kaiherau and Aramoho, was such that chimneys fell and plates, bottles and jars broke.

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Synonyms: tioro, tiotio, pāorooro


1. (loan) (noun) steer (animal).

...te 15 marama tia, 29h; 20 marama hewha (uha) 30/h... (TJ 8/12/1898:11). / ...15 month steer, 29 shillings; 20 month heifer (female) 30 shillings...

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1. (noun) abdomen, stomach, pit of the stomach.

Kei taku tia e ngau ana (W 1971:414). / I have a stomach-ache (W 1971:414).

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Synonyms: kōpū, puku, riu, takapū

2. (noun) umbilical cord.

Ka tapahia te iho o te tamaiti, arā ko te tia (W 1971:414). / The middle part of the child's umbilical cord was cut, that is the 'tia'.

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1. (noun) slave, servant.

Ka tata ia, ka karanga atu ngā tāngata, “Inā ia tā mātou nei tia!” (Tr 1874:48). / When he approached, the people called out, "Look, here is our slave!"

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Synonyms: wheteke, rōpā, pāihi, mōkai, kaitonotono, hāwini, pononga, tūmau, apa

kūpapa tia

1. (loan) (noun) deer stalker.

I te wiki he kāmura a ia, ā, he kūpapa tia i ngā mutunga wiki (Ng 1993:85). / He's a carpenter during the week and a deerstalker at weekends (Ng 1993:85).

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tia ngapu

1. (noun) starting blocks.


1. (location) Lake Taupō.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 78;)


1. (modifier) altogether, without exception - follows verbs and statives to indicate that all are included. If a verb is in the passive form, tokitoki will also have a passive ending, usually -tia.

I haere tokitoki atu ngā kaimahi ki te karakia whakamaumahara ki a Kere, kāore tētahi i noho mai ki te tari (HJ 2015:137). / The employees all went to the memorial service to Kere, nobody remained at the office.
Ka mukua tokitokitia āna kōrero, ka tīmata anō (PK 2008:961). / She rubbed out her story completely and began again.

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1. (particle) exactly, absolutely, unequivocally, positively, seriously, essentially, indubitably, for the most part, in the main, deliberately, intentionally, carefully, really, gently, quietly, silently, completely, thoroughly, well and truly, actually, in fact, quietly, peaceably, peacefully, just, merely, very - a word to intensify and add emphasis, often translated by one of the above. Where mārie follows a verb in the passive it will take a passive ending also, usually -tia.

Ko te whenua ka takoto mārie, taihoa ka tupuria e te otaota, e te māheuheu (HJ 2015:101). / Land just left will in time be overgrown by weeds and scrub.

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Synonyms: puku, mārire, mārika, mōhū, kōmuhu, māika, , koia, koia, tinana, koa, katoa, rawa, i neki, noa iho, tōkeke, noa ake, tonu, ia, ia rā, heipū, tata, ake, kau, rānō, tino, inā, ata, rā anō, rā pea, tika, tou, noa, piropiro, ehara ehara, puru, pohapoha, mōrukaruka, tahi, te mutunga (kē) mai (nei) o te ..., rukaruka, hāwerewere, moruka, anō,

2. (verb) to be peaceful, friendly, harmonious, amicable, composed, abate.

I whakahoahoa rātou ki ngā Pākehā i runga i te wawata ka mārie tā rātou noho tahi (TTR 1990:77). / They were friendly towards the Pākehā in the hope that their existence together would be peaceful.

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Synonyms: māwhe, pāngū, tau

3. (verb) fortunately, it was fortunate, luckily.

Ka mea atu ngā tama, "Mārie anō kia haere mai koe!" Ka mea atu te koroheke, "Ki te aha?" Ka mea atu rāua, "Ki te karakia i ā māua māra." (NM 1928:170). / The boys said, "It was fortunate that you have come!" The elderly man said, "What for?" They said, "To recite ritual chants for our gardens."

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Synonyms: marenganui, mokori anō, maringanui, māringanui, mokori

4. (modifier) peaceful, friendly, harmonious, amicable, composed.

He tangata mārie, whakamōwai a Rāni Erihana, i ngākau pono nui ki tana kamupene me tōna whānau (TTR 2000:59). / Rāni Ellison was a quiet, unassuming man who was devoted to his company and his family.

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Synonyms: ngehe, rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamārie, whakamāria, whakamārire, āio, houkura, hūmārie, aumārire, , mārire, hūmārire, whakaaio

5. (noun) peace, calm, tranquility, calmness, peacefulness, serenity, composure, harmony, geniality.

Ko te mātau, ko te mārie nui i kitea ki tōna mata (MM.TKM 1/12/1855:13). / Intelligence and geniality could be seen in his countenance.

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Synonyms: mahurutanga, marino, whakamārietanga, rongo, rangimārie, maungārongo, rongomau, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, hūmārie, aumārire, māriri, hūmārire


1. (particle) A prefix used with numbers to show multiplying, e.g. rearua (double), reatoru (triple). These words can be prefixed by whaka- and take a passive ending (-tia).

Ko te rea- te whakareatanga ki te rua, ki te toru, ki te aha rānei. Hei tauira, ko te 8 te rearua o te 4 (TRP 2010:240). / Rea- is multiplying by two or three or any other number. For example, 8 is double of 4 (TRP 2010:240).
Whakarearuatia te toru, ka ono (TRP 2010:240). / Doubling three gives six.

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1. (particle) after the manner of, by which - indicates the manner or means by which something is done and is prefixed to nouns to form a modifier following a verb. If the verb is in the passive the noun will also have the passive suffix -tia. Sometimes written with a hyphen before and after the ā.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 63;)

I tae ā-tinana ia. / She arrived in person.

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See also utu ā-hāora, ā-tinana, ā-kanohi, ā-kīwaha, ā-waha, ā-rohe, ā-tuhi

tipi hauraro

1. (verb) to exterminate, annihilate, decimate, eradicate, wipe out, mow down - sometimes as one word, i.e. tipihauraro (-tia).

Nā! tā te toa hanga, ka tipia haurarotia te hunga e kōkiri mai rā; tokowhitu nā te ringa ake o Ngārimu (Ngārimu VC citation). / This they did with such good effect that the attackers were mown down; seven by Ngārimu's own hand.

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Synonyms: tipi, tītipi


1. (particle) still, continues, unceasing, continuously, simply - a manner particle that denotes continuance, permanence or exactness and follows immediately after the word it applies to. Often used with the verbal particles which have a progressive or continuous sense, i.e. e ... ana, kei te ... and i te ... Where tonu follows a verb in the passive it will take a passive ending also, usually -tia. In this situation the passive ending may be dropped from the verb, but not from tonu.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 57, 120; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 91-92;)

Mehemea i te ora tonu ia, kua kite i te ātaahua o tana mokopuna. / If she was still alive, she would have seen how beautiful her grandchild is.
I nuku atu i te rua rau ngā waiata i titoa e Tuīni e maumahara tonutia ana i nāianei (TTR 2000:132). / Tuīni composed more than two hundred songs which are still remembered today.

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2. (particle) nonetheless, all the same, still - indicates permanence or stability of a procedure, arrangement or idea.

I tū tonu tā mātou kura reo, engari i kawea ki tētahi marae kē atu. / Our language school was still held, but it was taken to another marae.

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Synonyms: aua atu (rā)

3. (particle) very, indeed, exceedingly, indeed, even, in fact, right, just, really, only - used to intensify or to emphasise. Often used with statives and adjectives.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 125; Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 119-120;)

tonu te rūma i te wāhine. / The room was full of women.
He matatau tonu a Tio ki te kōrero i te reo Māori. / Joe is very fluent in speaking Māori.
E hia ngā kakī i kitea e kōrua? Kotahi tonu. / How many black stilts did you two see? Only one.

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Synonyms: anahe, nahe, anake, matau, tikanga, take, tōtika, matatika, mōtika, rā pea, , koia, koia, tinana, koa, katoa, rawa, i neki, inā, ata, rā anō, rānō, tino, tata, ake, noa iho, mārire, mārika, mārie, heipū, ia rā, ia, noa ake, tōkeke, noa, tou, tika, kau

4. (particle) on the contrary, of course, do so, do too, can too, are so - to show disagreement with a statement just made.

Rangi: E mea ana ia kāore ōna hū omaoma. Hine: He hū omaoma tonu ōna. Kei te karo kē pea i te oma (HJ 2015:58). / Rangi: She is saying that she has no running shoes. Hine: On the contrary she does have some running shoes. She is probably dodging the run.
Kei te maumahara tonu au. / Of course I remember.

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Synonyms: engari, engaringari, anō, ehara

5. (particle) as soon as, immediately, promptly, forthwith, without difficulty - expresses the idea of immediacy, without delay or with little need for effort.

tonu mai te karanga, ka whakaeke tō mātou ope. / As soon as we heard the call, our party went onto the marae.

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Synonyms: ake, tere, wawe

6. (particle) quite, fairly, so so - to indicate didn't or hasn't yet reached its full potential or been fully realised.

I pai tonu, engari kāore i inati te pai (HJ 2015:59). / It was quite good, but not exceptional.

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Synonyms: tino, noa iho, tou, (ko) tōna ... (nei), kāhua, hengahenga, hangehange, āta, kere, koia, rawa, āhua, anō, noa

7. (particle) almost, just about, virtually.

Kua pau tonu te paraoa. / The bread is almost finished.

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8. (particle) just like, exactly the same - when following rite.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 26;)

Kātahi, ka whakatika atu tētahi o ngā rangatira, ko Te Taero te ingoa. Anā, rite tonu hoki āna kupu ki ā ngā mitinare (JPS 1990:139). / Then one of the chiefs stood up. His name was Te Taero. Behold, his words were also exactly the same as the missionaries'.

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See also rite tonu, he rite tonu, kia rite tonu

Synonyms: anō, me kore ake, me/mai/mei kore ake ..., mai kore ake, mei kore ake, rite tonu

9. (particle) always, all the time, continually (when following rite).

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 29;)

Ko tēnei wāhi i mōhio whānuitia, ā, he rite tonu te peka atu o ngā ope haere ki te whakangā, ki te whakahauora (TTR 1990:74). / This place was well-known and travelling parties stopped off all the time to rest and refresh.

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See also rite tonu, he rite tonu


1. (particle) Prefix used with numbers 1 to 9, aha and hia to form ordinals, i.e. to show something in an ordered arrangement, e.g. tuatahi, first. Such words with tua- may be used as a verb, a modifier, a noun or passively with the passive ending -tia.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 16;)

Ka tuahia koe ki Rānana? Ka tuatoru. / How many times have you been to London? Three times.
Ko te whiti tuatahi o te waiata nei he karakia nā te tohunga (M 2006:4). / The first verse of this song is a ritual chant by a tohunga.
E toru ngā take i haere mai ai ngā iwi nei. Ko te whenua te tuatahi; ko te pounamu te tuarua; ko te Pākehā te tuatoru (JPS 1959:271). / There were three reasons for these tribes coming to us. Land was the first, greenstone was the second, and the Pākehā was the third.
Ā, ka roa e noho ana a Hereure i tōna kāinga, ka puta te whakaaro kia tuaruatia mai anō e tana ope hei whakamātautau anō i a Rongo (JPS 1911:104). / And Hereure stayed a long time at his home; and then he decided to test Rongo with his party a second time.
Tau: I tuaaha rātou i te whakataetae rā? Ira: I tuawhā (HJ 2012:173). / Tau: Where did they place in that competition? Ira: Fourth.

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See also tuatahi

2. (particle) Also used with ngahuru (but not tekau) for numbers 10 to 19.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 11;)

I piki a Tāne ki te tuangahuru mā rua o ngā rangi. / Tāne climbed to the twelfth heaven.

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See also tuangahuru


1. (verb) (whakarērea) to leave behind, forsake, desert, bequeath, reject, cast away, abandon, quit (computer).

Kāti te riri, whakarērea hoki te ārita; kei mamae koe, kei tākina kia mahi i te kino (PT Ngā Waiata 37:8). / Do not be angry, and forsake wrath; lest you be hurt or led into evil deeds.

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Synonyms: pīrere, whakakorekore, waiho, whakakore, awaiho, whākorekore, opa, parahako, whakareretanga, ākiri, kape, whakahoe

2. (verb) (whakarērea) to put to one side, discard, dispense with, get rid of, reject.

Whakatahaia te kukakuka, whakarērea te kukakuka (W 1971:155). / Put the harakeke scrapings to one side and discard them.

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Synonyms: whakataha, whakatataha

3. (verb) (whakarērea) to wield, strike a blow (with a weapon).

Ka rere mai taua tangata ki roto ki te riri, ka mate iho i a ia tokowhā ngā tāngata, nā tōna ringa ake anō, kātahi ka rere mai ki te patu i a Te Awa-i-taia. Ko te karohanga a Te Awa-i-taia i te pouwhenua a taua tangata, kātahi ka whakarere atu te whiu o tōna wahaika hinga ana a Te Raparapa ki te whenua (TWM 3/5/1866:1). / That man rushed into the battle, killing four men with his own hand and then he rushed in to kill Te Awa-i-taia. Te Awa-i-taia parried the pouwhenua of that man, then hit him with his wahaika and Te Raparapa fell to the ground.

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4. (modifier) suddenly, without warning, unexpectedly - used as a modifier to indicate that something happened unexpectedly. When used as a modifier after a verb in the passive, whakarere takes the passive ending -tia.

I pākarua whakareretia te kaipuke ki te kōhatu huna, ā ngaro tonu iho atu te tima me te nuinga o ngā tāngata eke (THM 1/7/1890:1). / The ship suddenly smashed into a hidden rock and the ship perished along with the majority of the passengers.

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5. (modifier) exceedingly, very, extremely, especially - sometimes used as an intensive.

Ko tōku hiahia kia tohungia katoatia ngā kōrero a tāua, a te Maori o tua whakarere - ngā whakapapa, ngā whakataukī, me ngā kupu pepeha - nō te mea kei te haere mai ngā rā e ngaro ai ēnei kōrero ki te kore e tuhituhia (TP 7/1904:3). / It is my desire that the oral traditions of ancient times of us, the Māori, should all be preserved - the genealogies, the proverbs and the tribal sayings - because the day is coming when these oral traditions will be lost if they are not written down.

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6. (noun) abandonment, leaving, rejection, desertion.

Tae rawa ake ki 1824, kua tīmata te whakarere a Ngāti Tama i ō rātou whenua tupu (TTR 1990:102). / By 1824 Ngāti Tama had begun to leave their ancestral lands.

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Synonyms: whākorekore, whakakorekore, mahuetanga, whakareretanga, whakarerenga, whakakore, parahako, ākiri, whakahoe, whakatoitoi

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