1. (verb) (-tia) to migrate (of birds), desert, abandon.
Kua pīreretia te kāinga (W 1971:283). / The settlement has been abandoned.
Synonyms: whakarere, whakakorekore, waiho, whakakore, awaiho, whākorekore, heke
2. (modifier) temporarily.
Mō te āhua anō o ētahi whenua i hiahia pīrere noatia mō te tāone o Mangakino, he mea rīhi noa mō te rua tekau mā tahi tau te roa (TTR 2000:27). / Other land was just needed temporarily for the township of Mangakino and was leased for 21 years.
3. (noun) fledgling bird (which has left the nest).
Kāore anō i pakari te rere a te pīrere (PK 2008:641). / The fledgling bird could not yet fly properly.