1. but, but rather, on the contrary, on the other hand - a conjunction.
He hanga aroha te ngaronga o te iwi nōna te reo e mau iho nei. Engaringari anō tātou te iwi Māori kei te mau tō tātou tokomaha. Engari tō tātou reo tūturu o te Māoritanga kua tīmata tonu te ngaro haere ināianei (TTT 1/5/1922:12). / The disappearance of the people, whose language is retained below, is quite sad. In contrast we, the Māori people, are retaining our numbers, but our own language of Māori culture has started to disappear now.
Synonyms: anō, tonu, ehara, engari, koa, kāpā, otiia, manohi, erangi, ia, tēnā, tēnā ko tēnei