2. (interjection) on the other hand, rather, on the contrary.
Tēnā, i pai rānei a Ihu i tōna kitenga i a rātou? Kāhore, engari i āritarita ia ki a rātou (KO 15/10/1883:15). / Well, was Jesus pleased when he saw them? No, on the contrary, he was annoyed with them.
Synonyms: anō, koa, kāpā, otiia, manohi, erangi, ia, tēnā, tēnā ko tēnei, engaringari
3. (interjection) on the contrary - used to negate a negative question or sentence. It may be followed by tonu.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 110;)
Kāore ōu hū? Engari tonu! He hū anō ōku. / Don't you have any shoes? On the contrary! I do have some shoes.
See also engari (tonu)
Synonyms: anō, tonu, ehara, engaringari