1. (particle) but, on the other hand - variation of engari.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 110;)
Ko te mahi a te Māori he noho, he mahi i roto i te ao Pākehā, erangi ki te haere ia ki tētehi tangihanga, hui rānei, e hoki hāngai pū tonu ana ki āna tikanga, whakakaha ake ai i tana taha Māori (TTR 1996:49). / Māori live and work in the Pākehā world, but a Māori returning to a tangihanga or hui, returns right back into the middle of his customary practices, thus reinforcing his Māori identity.
See also engari
Synonyms: engaringari, koa, kāpā, otiia, manohi, engari, ia, tēnā, tēnā ko tēnei