1. (transitive verb) (-a) to pass by, leave out, exempt.
Ka whaimana te Kāwana i roto i tōna Kaunihera ki te kape i tētahi whenua Māori ki waho i ngā tikanga o tēnei Ture (RT 2013:23). / The Governor in his Council has the authority to exempt a particular piece of Māori land from the provisions of this Act.
Synonyms: tohipa, tāhapa, numi, pahemo, pahure, paneke, whakahipa, whakataha, taha, tīpoka, pahika, hiemi, hihipa, hemo, hipa, whakatataha, whakatipi, kopa
2. (transitive verb) (-a) to reject, refuse.
He pirau kai mā te arero e kape (NP 2001:109). / Rotten food will be rejected by the tongue. (A whakataukī saying that eventually evil will be rejected.)
Synonyms: kapurangi, para, whakahoe, whakakāhore, whakapeka, whakanau, whakatoitoi, hawa, huru, ota, whakapekapeka, tohetohe, tohe, opa, whakarere, whakareretanga, ākiri, parahako
3. (transitive verb) (-a) to move with the point of a stick, hook out, rake out, separate out.
Ka wera ngā kōhatu, ka kapea mai ngā ngārehu, ka taona atu ngā rīwai iti nei, 12 te nui (TTR 1994:148). / When the stones were hot, the embers were raked out, and 12 small potatoes were cooked.
4. (noun) stick for moving or stirring.
Kimihia mai he kape hei kōrorirori i te peita nei (PK 2008:209). / Look for a stick to stir this paint.